Saturday, February 7, 2009

Noah's Flood: Man-Made?

Nikola Tesla was the greatest inventor in recorded history. A strong statement; I know. But it's true.

On several occasions he caused earthquakes when testing some of his theories on geo-resonance. Eventually, he claimed to have developed a simple machine that could split the world in two, and I have no good reason to doubt him. (If you're curious, Google "Tesla Telegeodynamics." And take care to ignore the silly conspiracy theory websites.)

Which brings us to the Flood. The Hydro-Plate Theory, proposed by Dr. Walt Brown, gives a plausible explanation for the mechanism of Noah's Flood. I find his theory satisfying. Basically, he says "plates" floating on "fountains of the deep" ruptured, resulting in the division of the continents, oceanic trenches, massive earthquakes, limestone and coal deposits, frozen mammoths, comets, and many other unusual natural phenomenon. (This video summarizes his theory nicely.) But the question still remains, what caused those plates to rupture?

Perhaps God Himself ruptured the fountains of the deep. Or perhaps it happened "by itself," caused by pressure-buildup or something like that. Or--most interestingly of all--perhaps some antediluvian inventor discovered resonance technology and accidentally triggered Noah's Flood! The symptoms seem to match. We know the Flood was divine judgment ordained by God, but why couldn't it also have been man-made? I mean, why not?

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